This separation policy template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
SEPARATION POLICY INTRODUCTION The Separation Policy of [COMPANY NAME] outlines the procedures and guidelines for managing the separation of employment between the company and its employees. This Policy aims to ensure that separations are conducted professionally, ethically, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. PURPOSE The purpose of this Policy is to: Define the circumstances under which employment separations may occur. Establish a consistent process for managing separations. Ensure that employees are treated with respect and dignity throughout the separation process. DEFINITIONS Separation: The cessation of employment between an employee and [COMPANY NAME] for any reason, including resignation, termination, retirement, or other voluntary or involuntary actions. SEPARATION CATEGORIES [COMPANY NAME] recognizes the following categories of separation: Voluntary Resignation: When an employee chooses to terminate their employment voluntarily. Involuntary Termination: When [COMPANY NAME] terminates an employee's employment for reasons such as performance issues, misconduct, or organizational changes. Retirement: When an employee chooses to retire in accordance with [COMPANY NAME]'s retirement policies. End of Contract: When an employee's contract or temporary assignment with the company concludes. SEPARATION PROCESS The separation process will vary, depending on the category of separation. However, the general process may include: Notice period, if applicable. Return of company property. Exit interviews, if conducted.
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This separation policy template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
SEPARATION POLICY INTRODUCTION The Separation Policy of [COMPANY NAME] outlines the procedures and guidelines for managing the separation of employment between the company and its employees. This Policy aims to ensure that separations are conducted professionally, ethically, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. PURPOSE The purpose of this Policy is to: Define the circumstances under which employment separations may occur. Establish a consistent process for managing separations. Ensure that employees are treated with respect and dignity throughout the separation process. DEFINITIONS Separation: The cessation of employment between an employee and [COMPANY NAME] for any reason, including resignation, termination, retirement, or other voluntary or involuntary actions. SEPARATION CATEGORIES [COMPANY NAME] recognizes the following categories of separation: Voluntary Resignation: When an employee chooses to terminate their employment voluntarily. Involuntary Termination: When [COMPANY NAME] terminates an employee's employment for reasons such as performance issues, misconduct, or organizational changes. Retirement: When an employee chooses to retire in accordance with [COMPANY NAME]'s retirement policies. End of Contract: When an employee's contract or temporary assignment with the company concludes. SEPARATION PROCESS The separation process will vary, depending on the category of separation. However, the general process may include: Notice period, if applicable. Return of company property. Exit interviews, if conducted.
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