Last Will and Testament - Married with No Children Template

Business-in-a-Box's Last Will and Testament - Married with No Children Template
Document content

This last will and testament - married with no children template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our last will and testament - married with no children template:

LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF [YOUR NAME] I, [YOUR NAME], a resident of [CITY, PROVINCE OR STATE], hereby declare that this is my last will and testament and that I hereby revoke, cancel and annul all wills and codicils previously made by me either jointly or severally. I declare that I am of legal age to make this will and of sound mind and that this last will and testament expresses my wishes without undue influence or duress. ARTICLE I IDENTIFICATION OF FAMILY I am married to [SPOUSE'S NAME] and all references in this Will to "my spouse" are references to [SPOUSE'S NAME]. ARTICLE II APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR I appoint my spouse [SPOUSE'S NAME], as the executor of my Will. If [SPOUSE'S NAME] is unable or unwilling to serve as executor, then I appoint [NAME OF SECOND EXECUTOR] as the executor. I hereby give and grant the Executor all powers and authority as are required or allowed in law, and especially that of assumption. The executor shall not be required to furnish security and shall serve without any bond. and will have the authority to carry out the provisions of my Will, including without limitation, the power to buy, sell, and maintain property; to pursue any claims or legal actions on behalf of my estate; and to pay my probate and funeral expenses prior to any distribution of property. Pending the distribution of my estate my Executors shall have authority to carry on any business, venture or partnership in which I may have any interest at the time of my death. My Executors shall have full and absolute power in his/her discretion to sell all or any assets of my estate, whether by public auction or private sale and shall be entitled to let any property in my estate on such terms and conditions as may be acceptable to my beneficiaries. My Executors shall have authority to borrow money for any purpose connected with the liquidation and administration of my estate and to that end may encumber any of the assets of my estate. ARTICLE III PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND EXPENSES I direct my Executor to pay my judicially enforceable debts, funeral expenses and expenses of last illness be first paid from my estate, as soon after my death as practicable. Further, I direct that all estate and inheritance taxes and other taxes in the general nature thereof (together with any interest or penalty thereon), which shall become payable upon or by reason of my death with respect to any property passing by or under the terms of this Will or any codicil to it hereafter executed by me, or with respect to the proceeds of any life insurance policy or policies, or with respect to any other property (including property over which I have a taxable power of appointment) included in my gross estate for the purpose of such taxes, shall be paid by my Executor out of the principal of my residuary estate. ARTICLE IV SPECIFIC BEQUESTS Real Property I bequeath my title, rights, and interest in any real property, together with any related insurance policy and claims, to the following individual(s) and charity(ies): [SPECIFY NAME OF BENEFICIARY] [SPECIFY PROPERTY WITH ADRESS]: Personal Property

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Document content

This last will and testament - married with no children template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our last will and testament - married with no children template:

LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF [YOUR NAME] I, [YOUR NAME], a resident of [CITY, PROVINCE OR STATE], hereby declare that this is my last will and testament and that I hereby revoke, cancel and annul all wills and codicils previously made by me either jointly or severally. I declare that I am of legal age to make this will and of sound mind and that this last will and testament expresses my wishes without undue influence or duress. ARTICLE I IDENTIFICATION OF FAMILY I am married to [SPOUSE'S NAME] and all references in this Will to "my spouse" are references to [SPOUSE'S NAME]. ARTICLE II APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR I appoint my spouse [SPOUSE'S NAME], as the executor of my Will. If [SPOUSE'S NAME] is unable or unwilling to serve as executor, then I appoint [NAME OF SECOND EXECUTOR] as the executor. I hereby give and grant the Executor all powers and authority as are required or allowed in law, and especially that of assumption. The executor shall not be required to furnish security and shall serve without any bond. and will have the authority to carry out the provisions of my Will, including without limitation, the power to buy, sell, and maintain property; to pursue any claims or legal actions on behalf of my estate; and to pay my probate and funeral expenses prior to any distribution of property. Pending the distribution of my estate my Executors shall have authority to carry on any business, venture or partnership in which I may have any interest at the time of my death. My Executors shall have full and absolute power in his/her discretion to sell all or any assets of my estate, whether by public auction or private sale and shall be entitled to let any property in my estate on such terms and conditions as may be acceptable to my beneficiaries. My Executors shall have authority to borrow money for any purpose connected with the liquidation and administration of my estate and to that end may encumber any of the assets of my estate. ARTICLE III PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND EXPENSES I direct my Executor to pay my judicially enforceable debts, funeral expenses and expenses of last illness be first paid from my estate, as soon after my death as practicable. Further, I direct that all estate and inheritance taxes and other taxes in the general nature thereof (together with any interest or penalty thereon), which shall become payable upon or by reason of my death with respect to any property passing by or under the terms of this Will or any codicil to it hereafter executed by me, or with respect to the proceeds of any life insurance policy or policies, or with respect to any other property (including property over which I have a taxable power of appointment) included in my gross estate for the purpose of such taxes, shall be paid by my Executor out of the principal of my residuary estate. ARTICLE IV SPECIFIC BEQUESTS Real Property I bequeath my title, rights, and interest in any real property, together with any related insurance policy and claims, to the following individual(s) and charity(ies): [SPECIFY NAME OF BENEFICIARY] [SPECIFY PROPERTY WITH ADRESS]: Personal Property

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