Feasibility Report Template

Business-in-a-Box's Feasibility Report Template

Document content

This feasibility report template has 15 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our feasibility report template:

Feasibility Report Your business slogan here. Prepared By: [YOUR NAME] [YOUR JOB TITLE] Phone 555.555.5555 Email info@yourbusiness.com www.yourbusiness.com Statement of Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure This document contains proprietary and confidential information. All data submitted to [RECEIVING PARTY] is provided in reliance upon its consent not to use or disclose any information contained herein except in the context of its business dealings with [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. The recipient of this document agrees to inform its present and future employees and partners who view or have access to the document's content of its confidential nature. The recipient agrees to instruct each employee that they must not disclose any information concerning this document to others except to the extent that such matters are generally known to, and are available for use by, the public. The recipient also agrees not to duplicate or distribute or permit others to duplicate or distribute any material contained herein without [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s express written consent. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] retains all title, ownership and intellectual property rights to the material and trademarks contained herein, including all supporting documentation, files, marketing material, and multimedia. BY ACCEPTANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT, THE RECIPIENT AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE AFOREMENTIONED STATEMENT. Table of Contents Statement of Confidentiality 2 Table of Contents 3 1. Executive Summary 4 2. Introduction 5 3. Justification 6 4. Solution 8 5. Alternatives 9 6. Cost-Benefit Analysis 10 7. Project Viability by Feasibility 11 8. References 16 Executive Summary The executive summary should provide a detailed overview of the content of the feasibility report. It's advisable to write this section after completing the entire document. The executive summary contains the most important and decision-relevant information relating to the project. Fill in the sections below for the executive summary Business Description Provide a brief history of your company and explain what your business does. Product/Service Describe the product/service that you consider as part of the feasibility study. Note that this section provides a detailed breakdown of what the organization is considering. Ensure this section captures the product and service appropriately and how it benefits customers and the organization. Objectives Briefly describe the objectives that you want to reach by preparing the feasibility report. N.B: Generally, the executive summary should adequately create a summary of: Problem analyzed in the feasibility report Significant business objectives Process impact Expected costs and benefits Anticipated risks Introduction Provide a general statement about the overall content of the feasibility report. Purpose Highlight the major purpose of creating the feasibility report N.B: The primary purpose of the document should be for the presentation of project parameters. It should expressly define the possible solutions to the need, problem, or opportunity. The feasibility report should also determine what is viable for further analysis or review. Target Audience State the specific group of people that are intended readers of the feasibility report. N.B: The target audience typically includes investors or stakeholders Justification Explain the reason and motivation behind carrying out the feasibility analysis. It expands on the "purpose" sub-section in the Introduction. Let the introduction to the Justification section be no more than three to four paragraphs. Provide a detailed summary of the objectives and justification process. Problem Statement Provide a brief description of the main problem, suitable opportunity, and key issue that the project should address. Organizational Impact Explain how the problem from the problem statement will affect your organization. Business Impact Provide a detailed narrative about the problem's impact on business resources, workforce, divisions, and other parts of the organization's environment. Fill in the table below for better clarity and comprehension. Problem Statement Organization Environment Impact [Write Problem Statement] [Ex: Business Resource (Be Specific)] [Explain Impact] [Ex: Workforce] [Explain Impact] Process Impact List the business processes affected by the problem from the problem statement. BUSINESS PROCESS #1 BUSINESS PROCESS #2 BUSINESS PROCESS #3 Solution Objectives Give a detailed description of the benefits yet to be received and costs to be incurred due to problem solving. Business Solution Benefits Yet to Receive Costs to Be Incurred N.B: Write the entire Justification section using simple and straightforward words. Place higher focus on highlighting the different characteristics of the justification process. Solution Give a summary of the proposed solution. Ensure that it restates the costs of the solution and benefits. Note that the main focus of the solution is to describe how it can improve the overall organization environment. Include the overview of the solution's functionality and features. Provide a detailed breakdown of the impact the solution will have on the company. N.B: This section of the feasibility report highlights similar topics as the Justification section

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Document content

This feasibility report template has 15 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our feasibility report template:

Feasibility Report Your business slogan here. Prepared By: [YOUR NAME] [YOUR JOB TITLE] Phone 555.555.5555 Email info@yourbusiness.com www.yourbusiness.com Statement of Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure This document contains proprietary and confidential information. All data submitted to [RECEIVING PARTY] is provided in reliance upon its consent not to use or disclose any information contained herein except in the context of its business dealings with [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. The recipient of this document agrees to inform its present and future employees and partners who view or have access to the document's content of its confidential nature. The recipient agrees to instruct each employee that they must not disclose any information concerning this document to others except to the extent that such matters are generally known to, and are available for use by, the public. The recipient also agrees not to duplicate or distribute or permit others to duplicate or distribute any material contained herein without [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s express written consent. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] retains all title, ownership and intellectual property rights to the material and trademarks contained herein, including all supporting documentation, files, marketing material, and multimedia. BY ACCEPTANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT, THE RECIPIENT AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE AFOREMENTIONED STATEMENT. Table of Contents Statement of Confidentiality 2 Table of Contents 3 1. Executive Summary 4 2. Introduction 5 3. Justification 6 4. Solution 8 5. Alternatives 9 6. Cost-Benefit Analysis 10 7. Project Viability by Feasibility 11 8. References 16 Executive Summary The executive summary should provide a detailed overview of the content of the feasibility report. It's advisable to write this section after completing the entire document. The executive summary contains the most important and decision-relevant information relating to the project. Fill in the sections below for the executive summary Business Description Provide a brief history of your company and explain what your business does. Product/Service Describe the product/service that you consider as part of the feasibility study. Note that this section provides a detailed breakdown of what the organization is considering. Ensure this section captures the product and service appropriately and how it benefits customers and the organization. Objectives Briefly describe the objectives that you want to reach by preparing the feasibility report. N.B: Generally, the executive summary should adequately create a summary of: Problem analyzed in the feasibility report Significant business objectives Process impact Expected costs and benefits Anticipated risks Introduction Provide a general statement about the overall content of the feasibility report. Purpose Highlight the major purpose of creating the feasibility report N.B: The primary purpose of the document should be for the presentation of project parameters. It should expressly define the possible solutions to the need, problem, or opportunity. The feasibility report should also determine what is viable for further analysis or review. Target Audience State the specific group of people that are intended readers of the feasibility report. N.B: The target audience typically includes investors or stakeholders Justification Explain the reason and motivation behind carrying out the feasibility analysis. It expands on the "purpose" sub-section in the Introduction. Let the introduction to the Justification section be no more than three to four paragraphs. Provide a detailed summary of the objectives and justification process. Problem Statement Provide a brief description of the main problem, suitable opportunity, and key issue that the project should address. Organizational Impact Explain how the problem from the problem statement will affect your organization. Business Impact Provide a detailed narrative about the problem's impact on business resources, workforce, divisions, and other parts of the organization's environment. Fill in the table below for better clarity and comprehension. Problem Statement Organization Environment Impact [Write Problem Statement] [Ex: Business Resource (Be Specific)] [Explain Impact] [Ex: Workforce] [Explain Impact] Process Impact List the business processes affected by the problem from the problem statement. BUSINESS PROCESS #1 BUSINESS PROCESS #2 BUSINESS PROCESS #3 Solution Objectives Give a detailed description of the benefits yet to be received and costs to be incurred due to problem solving. Business Solution Benefits Yet to Receive Costs to Be Incurred N.B: Write the entire Justification section using simple and straightforward words. Place higher focus on highlighting the different characteristics of the justification process. Solution Give a summary of the proposed solution. Ensure that it restates the costs of the solution and benefits. Note that the main focus of the solution is to describe how it can improve the overall organization environment. Include the overview of the solution's functionality and features. Provide a detailed breakdown of the impact the solution will have on the company. N.B: This section of the feasibility report highlights similar topics as the Justification section

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