This record of disciplinary action and proposed changes template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
Record Of Disciplinary Action Employee Name: Employee Title: Manager Name: Manager Title: Today's Date: Incident Date: Incident Time: Incident Location: Description of Incident Witnesses to Incident: Was this incident in violation of a company policy? Yes No If yes, specify which policy and how the incident violated it. Names of those in attendance at current disciplinary action meeting: What action will be taken against the employee? Has the impropriety of the employee's actions been explained to the employee? Yes No
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This record of disciplinary action and proposed changes template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
Record Of Disciplinary Action Employee Name: Employee Title: Manager Name: Manager Title: Today's Date: Incident Date: Incident Time: Incident Location: Description of Incident Witnesses to Incident: Was this incident in violation of a company policy? Yes No If yes, specify which policy and how the incident violated it. Names of those in attendance at current disciplinary action meeting: What action will be taken against the employee? Has the impropriety of the employee's actions been explained to the employee? Yes No
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