Business-in-a-Box's Electrical Drafter Job Description Template

Electrical Drafter Job Description Template

Document description

This electrical drafter job description template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our electrical drafter job description template:

Page 1 JOB DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL DRAFTER Brief description The position of electrical drafter consists of developing specifications and instructions for installation of voltage transformers, overhead or underground cables, and related electrical equipment used to conduct electrical energy from transmission lines or high-voltage distribution lines to consumers. Tasks • Assemble documentation packages and produce drawing sets which are checked by an engineer or an architect; • Confer with engineering staff and other personnel to resolve problems; • Draft working drawings, wiring diagrams, wiring connection specifications or cross-sections of underground cables, as required for instructions to installation crew; • Draw master sketches to scale showing relation of proposed installations to existing facilities and exact specifications and dimensions; • Explain drawings to production or construction teams and provide adjustments as

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