This notice for return of goods template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our production & operations documents.
DATE NOTICE: RETURN OF GOODS TO: FROM: We are submitting this notice to verify our rejection of the following order: CONTRACT DATE P.O. # INVOICE # DELIVERY DATE PACKING SLIP # BILL OF LADING # We are hereby RETURNING the above goods on account of defects in the goods stated as follows: REF# QTY DESCRIPTION OF ITEM DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGE PRICE CREDIT DUE TOTAL CREDIT DUE $ Credit for the goods returned is hereby claimed and demanded
Reviewed on
This notice for return of goods template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our production & operations documents.
DATE NOTICE: RETURN OF GOODS TO: FROM: We are submitting this notice to verify our rejection of the following order: CONTRACT DATE P.O. # INVOICE # DELIVERY DATE PACKING SLIP # BILL OF LADING # We are hereby RETURNING the above goods on account of defects in the goods stated as follows: REF# QTY DESCRIPTION OF ITEM DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGE PRICE CREDIT DUE TOTAL CREDIT DUE $ Credit for the goods returned is hereby claimed and demanded
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