This board resolution for signing authority template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
BOARD RESOLUTION OF [YOUR COMPANY NAME] ADOPTED ON [DATE] The undersigned, being all the directors of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], hereby sign the following amended resolutions: RESOLVED THAT: The following individuals are hereby authorized and granted signing authority on behalf of the company for all financial and legal documents, contracts, checks, and banking transactions: a. [NAME OF FIRST SIGNING AUTHORITY], [POSITION] b. [NAME OF SECOND SIGNING AUTHORITY], [POSITION] Any two of the above-named individuals shall jointly sign on behalf of the company for any transactions exceeding [AMOUNT].
This board resolution for signing authority template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
BOARD RESOLUTION OF [YOUR COMPANY NAME] ADOPTED ON [DATE] The undersigned, being all the directors of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], hereby sign the following amended resolutions: RESOLVED THAT: The following individuals are hereby authorized and granted signing authority on behalf of the company for all financial and legal documents, contracts, checks, and banking transactions: a. [NAME OF FIRST SIGNING AUTHORITY], [POSITION] b. [NAME OF SECOND SIGNING AUTHORITY], [POSITION] Any two of the above-named individuals shall jointly sign on behalf of the company for any transactions exceeding [AMOUNT].
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