This an introduction to coaching for coaches template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
AN INTRODUCTION TO COACHING, FOR COACHES How does coaching really work? If you asked 100 different Coaches that question, you would get 100 different answers. Why is the question so subjective? Because it's all about you - your perception, abilities, skills, life experience, and your application of the basic principles of Coaching. Then, of course, you must also factor in the Client - their circumstances, abilities, focus, life experiences, plans, and their willingness and ability to adapt and change. That's without even getting to the "niche" stuff. Let's look at a working definition of coaching: Coaching is a straightforward but often complex methodology for support and/or guidance for either an individual or group that can be applied to virtually any topic, business, or philosophy. It's a cooperative, collaborative, interactive partnership that employs targeted questions and reflective listening to enable and inspire clients to resolve their outstanding issues. Coaching is About Communication In short, Coaching is all about advanced communication. It's a practical application of skills, wisdom, and life philosophy that you learn exclusively by doing. It's about a cooperative, collaborative partnership with someone where your sole intention is to help them get the very best out of themselves. It can only be effective if you as the Coach have absolutely no attachment at all to the outcomes they create for themselves. After all, from the client's perspective, this is their life to live, and all the decisions they make and all the actions they take are entirely their own responsibility, right? They must own their own life, and everything that happens in it. Personal responsibility is important to us all. Your job as a Coach is simply to challenge their thinking with the use of meaningful questions in a way that helps them make effective decisions and then take effective actions. You must also keep them focused on the task at hand as long as it's necessary to get the job done. Who Hires a Coach? Mainly, two kinds of people hire a Coach: Those who are at the top of their game and want to get better Those who aspire to be at the top of their game and want to get there as quickly and efficiently as possible Consider this: Every major sports star has a coach. Every major entertainer has a coach. Every major entrepreneur has a coach. Why? Because it makes perfect sense to do so. It saves time and money, the two most important issues for the most successful people in any field of endeavor
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This an introduction to coaching for coaches template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
AN INTRODUCTION TO COACHING, FOR COACHES How does coaching really work? If you asked 100 different Coaches that question, you would get 100 different answers. Why is the question so subjective? Because it's all about you - your perception, abilities, skills, life experience, and your application of the basic principles of Coaching. Then, of course, you must also factor in the Client - their circumstances, abilities, focus, life experiences, plans, and their willingness and ability to adapt and change. That's without even getting to the "niche" stuff. Let's look at a working definition of coaching: Coaching is a straightforward but often complex methodology for support and/or guidance for either an individual or group that can be applied to virtually any topic, business, or philosophy. It's a cooperative, collaborative, interactive partnership that employs targeted questions and reflective listening to enable and inspire clients to resolve their outstanding issues. Coaching is About Communication In short, Coaching is all about advanced communication. It's a practical application of skills, wisdom, and life philosophy that you learn exclusively by doing. It's about a cooperative, collaborative partnership with someone where your sole intention is to help them get the very best out of themselves. It can only be effective if you as the Coach have absolutely no attachment at all to the outcomes they create for themselves. After all, from the client's perspective, this is their life to live, and all the decisions they make and all the actions they take are entirely their own responsibility, right? They must own their own life, and everything that happens in it. Personal responsibility is important to us all. Your job as a Coach is simply to challenge their thinking with the use of meaningful questions in a way that helps them make effective decisions and then take effective actions. You must also keep them focused on the task at hand as long as it's necessary to get the job done. Who Hires a Coach? Mainly, two kinds of people hire a Coach: Those who are at the top of their game and want to get better Those who aspire to be at the top of their game and want to get there as quickly and efficiently as possible Consider this: Every major sports star has a coach. Every major entertainer has a coach. Every major entrepreneur has a coach. Why? Because it makes perfect sense to do so. It saves time and money, the two most important issues for the most successful people in any field of endeavor
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