This 7 tips to keep your passion and purpose burning template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
7 TIPS TO KEEP YOUR PASSION & PURPOSE BURNING It's important to keep your passion alive to fuel your purpose. Use these strategies consistently to feed the flames: Keep in mind that success breeds more success. Celebrate your small victories. Share your achievements with others who appreciate your work and mission. Make a list and mark off each step as you complete it. Find your tribe. If there are others doing similar work, either locally or online, connect with them. There's nothing more stimulating than groupthink and people with a shared mission supporting each other. The synergy leads to more passion. Even a bit of healthy competition can be a good thing. Revisit your goal and action steps to see your progress. When it seems to take forever to complete a step toward your goal, remind yourself of the journey. Seeing your progress can be powerful, so create a clear path and reasonable steps. Goals and actions should be just out of reach, but attainable
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This 7 tips to keep your passion and purpose burning template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
7 TIPS TO KEEP YOUR PASSION & PURPOSE BURNING It's important to keep your passion alive to fuel your purpose. Use these strategies consistently to feed the flames: Keep in mind that success breeds more success. Celebrate your small victories. Share your achievements with others who appreciate your work and mission. Make a list and mark off each step as you complete it. Find your tribe. If there are others doing similar work, either locally or online, connect with them. There's nothing more stimulating than groupthink and people with a shared mission supporting each other. The synergy leads to more passion. Even a bit of healthy competition can be a good thing. Revisit your goal and action steps to see your progress. When it seems to take forever to complete a step toward your goal, remind yourself of the journey. Seeing your progress can be powerful, so create a clear path and reasonable steps. Goals and actions should be just out of reach, but attainable
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