Business-in-a-Box's Unlimited Vacation Policy Template

Unlimited Vacation Policy Template

Document description

This unlimited vacation policy template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our unlimited vacation policy template:

[COMPANY NAME] UNLIMITED VACATION POLICY WHAT IS UNLIMITED VACATION POLICY: At [COMPANY NAME], we take pride in our employees’ incredible work ethic and want to reward that dedication with an unlimited vacation policy. As opposed to a traditional vacation or sick day policy, you may request time off as you see fit. No vacation days will accrue, nothing will expire, and you won’t see any mention of vacation time on your pay stubs. Time off is yours to enjoy as long as you follow company regulations. WHAT TIME OFF CAN BE USED FOR: Unlimited time off can be used for vacations, illness, family illness, emergencies, bad weather conditions, doctor’s appointments (for yourself or a family member), or other personal matters requiring you to take time off from work. For long-term leave, please discuss it with your manager.

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