Outsourcing Agreement Manufacturing Template

Business-in-a-Box's Outsourcing Agreement Manufacturing Template

Document content

This outsourcing agreement manufacturing template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our outsourcing agreement manufacturing template:

OUTSOURCING AGREEMENT This Outsourcing Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [MANUFACTURER NAME] (the " Manufacturer"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [BUYER NAME] (the "Buyer"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT Formalize the agreements made regarding services and products between Buyer and MANUFACTURER SERVICES Manufacturer will produce products for Buyer on a Turnkey basis. Initially, services will cover [NUMBER] products, as per the attached price sheets. However, this may be extended. Specific services will be: Receipt and Management of master materials Supply base management Production (both components & finished goods) Delivery Inventory Management Financial Services Quality and Services Level Agreements will be based on mutual agreement. DELIVERY Manufacturer shall deliver the Services in line with the agreed service levels to Buyer. ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICES Buyer may reject the Services if they do not comply with the specification set out by Buyer. The Services are deemed to be accepted if Manufacturer does not receive a notification within [NUMBER] days after delivery to Buyer or its customers. PAYMENT AND PRICING Buyer will compensate Manufacturer for all Services rendered in accordance with the rates specified in the Schedule [SPECIFY]. Unless otherwise agreed, prices shall exclude transport, insurance, sales taxes and Import duties (outside [SPECIFY] countries) to Buyer' designated delivery address. For all materials in stock, older than [NUMBER] days, Manufacturer will charge Buyer with an Inventory Carriage Charge of [PERCENTAGE %] of its value per month. Manufacturer will invoice Buyer based on actual shipments that have been performed. Payments will be due in [COUNTRY] [CURRENCY] within [NUMBER] days after delivery, or when agreed after delivery of installments or the receipt of invoice by Buyer, which ever is later. Manufacturer shall invoice Buyer indicating the performed services in [COUNTRY] [CURRENCY] with reference to this Agreement. Buyer shall be entitled to deduct from or set off against any sums which Buyer may be liable to pay to Manufacturer any amounts owed by Manufacturer, its affiliated entities, subsidiaries or successors in interest. WARRANTY Manufacturer warrants providing the Services with due diligence and care in accordance with the specifications set by Buyer. Should Manufacturer not supply the Services as agreed or should the Services become defective within [NUMBER] months from their delivery to Buyer, Buyer may at its option require Manufacturer to complete or re-perform the Services within a reasonable period of time, rescind the contract or refuse payment of the compensation in part or in total, notwithstanding any damage claims. INDEMNITY

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Document content

This outsourcing agreement manufacturing template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our outsourcing agreement manufacturing template:

OUTSOURCING AGREEMENT This Outsourcing Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [MANUFACTURER NAME] (the " Manufacturer"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [BUYER NAME] (the "Buyer"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT Formalize the agreements made regarding services and products between Buyer and MANUFACTURER SERVICES Manufacturer will produce products for Buyer on a Turnkey basis. Initially, services will cover [NUMBER] products, as per the attached price sheets. However, this may be extended. Specific services will be: Receipt and Management of master materials Supply base management Production (both components & finished goods) Delivery Inventory Management Financial Services Quality and Services Level Agreements will be based on mutual agreement. DELIVERY Manufacturer shall deliver the Services in line with the agreed service levels to Buyer. ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICES Buyer may reject the Services if they do not comply with the specification set out by Buyer. The Services are deemed to be accepted if Manufacturer does not receive a notification within [NUMBER] days after delivery to Buyer or its customers. PAYMENT AND PRICING Buyer will compensate Manufacturer for all Services rendered in accordance with the rates specified in the Schedule [SPECIFY]. Unless otherwise agreed, prices shall exclude transport, insurance, sales taxes and Import duties (outside [SPECIFY] countries) to Buyer' designated delivery address. For all materials in stock, older than [NUMBER] days, Manufacturer will charge Buyer with an Inventory Carriage Charge of [PERCENTAGE %] of its value per month. Manufacturer will invoice Buyer based on actual shipments that have been performed. Payments will be due in [COUNTRY] [CURRENCY] within [NUMBER] days after delivery, or when agreed after delivery of installments or the receipt of invoice by Buyer, which ever is later. Manufacturer shall invoice Buyer indicating the performed services in [COUNTRY] [CURRENCY] with reference to this Agreement. Buyer shall be entitled to deduct from or set off against any sums which Buyer may be liable to pay to Manufacturer any amounts owed by Manufacturer, its affiliated entities, subsidiaries or successors in interest. WARRANTY Manufacturer warrants providing the Services with due diligence and care in accordance with the specifications set by Buyer. Should Manufacturer not supply the Services as agreed or should the Services become defective within [NUMBER] months from their delivery to Buyer, Buyer may at its option require Manufacturer to complete or re-perform the Services within a reasonable period of time, rescind the contract or refuse payment of the compensation in part or in total, notwithstanding any damage claims. INDEMNITY

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