This it company business plan template has 31 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
IT Company Business Plan 1.0 Executive Summary 1 Environmental Assessment 2 Environmental Consulting 2 Certification 2 Green Public Relations and Marketing 2 Chart: Highlights 3 1.1 Objectives 3 1.2 Mission 3 1.3 Keys to Success 4 2.0 Company Summary 4 2.1 Company Ownership 4 2.2 Start-up Summary 4 Table: Start-up 5 Chart: Start-up 5 3.0 Services 6 4.0 Market Analysis Summary 6 4.1 Market Segmentation 6 Table: Market Analysis 7 4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy 7 4.3 Service Business Analysis 7 4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns 7 5.0 Web Plan Summary 7 5.1 Website Marketing Strategy 7 5.2 Development Requirements 8 6.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary 8 6.1 SWOT Analysis 8 6.1.1 Strengths 8 6.1.2 Weaknesses 9 6.1.3 Opportunities 9 6.1.4 Threats 9 6.2 Competitive Edge 9 6.3 Marketing Strategy 9 6.4 Sales Strategy 9 6.4.1 Sales Forecast 10 Table: Sales Forecast 10 Chart: Sales Monthly 11 Chart: Sales by Year 11 6.5 Milestones 12 Table: Milestones 12 Chart: Milestones 12 7.0 Management Summary 13 7.1 Personnel Plan 13 Table: Personnel 13 8.0 Financial Plan 13 8.1 Start-up Funding 13 Table: Start-up Funding 14 8.2 Important Assumptions 14 8.3 Break-even Analysis 14 Table: Break-even Analysis 15 Chart: Break-even Analysis 15 8.4 Projected Profit and Loss 15 Table: Profit and Loss 16 Chart: Profit Monthly 17 Chart: Profit Yearly 17 Chart: Gross Margin Monthly 18 Chart: Gross Margin Yearly 18 8.5 Projected Cash Flow 19 Table: Cash Flow 19 Chart: Cash 20 8.6 Projected Balance Sheet 20 Table: Balance Sheet 21 8.7 Business Ratios 21 Table: Ratios 22 8.8 Long-term Plan 22 Table: Sales Forecast 1 Table: Personnel 2 Table: Personnel 2 Table: Profit and Loss 3 Table: Profit and Loss 3 Table: Cash Flow 4 Table: Balance Sheet 5