This expect the unexpected creating a plan b for greater financial security template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our finance & accounting documents.
EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED - CREATING A PLAN B FOR GREATER FINANCIAL SECURITY Now more than ever, it's important to secure your financial future. If the chips are ever down, you'll at least have a plan to turn to for help. It's true that you should put your whole heart in your main source of income. When you work hard enough with a drive to succeed, nothing will keep you away from that success. However, unexpected circumstances come into play every so often, so you may need to divert to Plan B temporarily. Here are some ideas for building a rock-solid Plan B: Develop Multiple Streams of Income. When your mainstream of income is sufficient to sustain your family, you may be tempted to rely on that income alone. However, it's always a good idea to insulate and supplement that income. You may think you don't absolutely need the money, but you can always save for future unexpected expenses. Look for other opportunities for side jobs in your field Turn a hobby into a money maker Consider wise investments to grow money faster Add to Your Savings. You'll need to realize that even small contributions will add up to something big before you know it. Shop around for a high yield savings account. Tell yourself that you'll add a fixed amount to the fund each month. Have an automatic withdrawal every month even if you can only afford $10 or $25 at a time. Over the long run this really adds up! Develop Your Skills. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to improve your current skill set, or to develop completely new skills. This will give you back up career opportunities
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This expect the unexpected creating a plan b for greater financial security template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our finance & accounting documents.
EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED - CREATING A PLAN B FOR GREATER FINANCIAL SECURITY Now more than ever, it's important to secure your financial future. If the chips are ever down, you'll at least have a plan to turn to for help. It's true that you should put your whole heart in your main source of income. When you work hard enough with a drive to succeed, nothing will keep you away from that success. However, unexpected circumstances come into play every so often, so you may need to divert to Plan B temporarily. Here are some ideas for building a rock-solid Plan B: Develop Multiple Streams of Income. When your mainstream of income is sufficient to sustain your family, you may be tempted to rely on that income alone. However, it's always a good idea to insulate and supplement that income. You may think you don't absolutely need the money, but you can always save for future unexpected expenses. Look for other opportunities for side jobs in your field Turn a hobby into a money maker Consider wise investments to grow money faster Add to Your Savings. You'll need to realize that even small contributions will add up to something big before you know it. Shop around for a high yield savings account. Tell yourself that you'll add a fixed amount to the fund each month. Have an automatic withdrawal every month even if you can only afford $10 or $25 at a time. Over the long run this really adds up! Develop Your Skills. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to improve your current skill set, or to develop completely new skills. This will give you back up career opportunities
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