This creative brief template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
CREATIVE BRIEF DATE PROJECT MANAGER/SUPERVISOR CLIENT PROJECT OVERVIEW Provide a brief description of the project. Explain what the client wants. PROJECT OBJECTIVES List desired outcomes and deliverables, strategies for success and measurable results if possible. CREATIVE REQUIREMENTS & CONSIDERATIONS Format / Layout / Tone / color / other requirements. SCHEDULE Identify the target due date for the finished project and include major milestones or checkpoint dates. Milestone 1 Deadline: Milestone 2 Deadline: Milestone 3 Deadline: Final Due Date:
This creative brief template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
CREATIVE BRIEF DATE PROJECT MANAGER/SUPERVISOR CLIENT PROJECT OVERVIEW Provide a brief description of the project. Explain what the client wants. PROJECT OBJECTIVES List desired outcomes and deliverables, strategies for success and measurable results if possible. CREATIVE REQUIREMENTS & CONSIDERATIONS Format / Layout / Tone / color / other requirements. SCHEDULE Identify the target due date for the finished project and include major milestones or checkpoint dates. Milestone 1 Deadline: Milestone 2 Deadline: Milestone 3 Deadline: Final Due Date:
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