Business Contingency Plan Template

Business-in-a-Box's Business Contingency Plan Template

Document content

This business contingency plan template has 14 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our business contingency plan template:

Contingency Plan Your business slogan here. Prepared By: [YOUR NAME] [YOUR JOB TITLE] Phone 555.555.5555 Email Table of Content Table of Content 2 Letter from the CEO 3 Executive Summary 4 1. Purpose of the Contingency Plan 5 1.1 Purpose 5 1.2 Why do we need a plan? 5 2.Business Continuity Planning 6 2.1 Our preparation 6 2.2 Crisis and disaster management 6 2.3 Recovery plan & recovery team 7 3.Business Impact Analysis 8 3.1 Areas essential to business operation 8 3.2 How the risks would affect us 9 4.Development Plan 11 5.Testing & Maintenance 13 5.1 Testing 13 5.2 Maintenance 13 5.3 Communication 14 Letter from the CEO Being in business involves a certain level of uncertainty. Indeed, no company is safe from an unexpected event that could affect its survival or influence the continuity of its activities. To do so, every company must have a Contingency Plan in place. A Contingency Plan is an action plan designed to help an organization respond effectively to a significant future event or situation that may or may not occur. It often refers to a negative event that affects an organization's reputation, financial health or ability to remain in business. It can also be considered part of Business Continuity Management (BCM). This term is broadly defined as a business process that aims to ensure that organizations are able to withstand any disruption to their operations. In the following pages you will find out how [ COMPANY NAME] plans to react in different situations. It is in everyone's interest that everyone is aware of this plan in order to be prepared in the event of an uncontrollable and unexpected event. It is also the duty of supervisors to ensure that the various components of their department understand the parts of the plan that affect them personally in the course of their work. Enjoy your reading and thank you for your participation [CEO NAME] Executive Summary [COMPANY NAME] has developed a contingency plan to respond to major, unforeseeable events. This could be a fire, flood, data breach, major network failure, etc. After an exhaustive analysis of the various potential risks on [COMPANY NAME]'s operations, we have produced this Contingency Plan. Also, this Plan has been done in a broader context that includes our Business Continuity Plan (BCP). A BCP is a logistical plan companies use to restore interrupted business services. In order to do this, we have done the following: Conducted an impact analysis; Establishes recovery strategies; Creates a development plan; Test that plan and establish maintenance procedures; Create a Communication Plan In case of potentially catastrophic events, [COMPANY NAME] will be prepared and able to operate in order to meet all its obligations. 1. Purpose of the Contingency Plan 1.1 Purpose Contingency planning is a component of business continuity strategy because they help ensure that the organization is ready for anything. It's also a component of disaster recovery and risk management. The purpose of [COMPANY NAME]'s Contingency Plan is to identify essential business operations or functions (the facilities, equipment, records, personnel and other resources required to perform these functions) and plans for effective recovery from an event that affects the normal operation of [COMPANY NAME]. [ADD ANY ADDITIONAL CONTENT HERE] 1.2 Why do we need a plan? A Contingency Plan is sometimes referred to as "Plan B," because it can be also used as an alternative for action if expected results fail to materialize. The main reasons are also: For better preparation For better flexibility For a quicker reaction For preventing panic For eliminating last minute comprehension For minimizing losses [ADD ANY ADDITIONAL CONTENT HERE] 2.Business Continuity Planning 2.1 Our preparation A good preparation facilitates: The rapid recovery of mission-critical business operations The continuation of critical business functions The monitoring of threat activity for adjustment of technical controls The reduction of the impact of a disaster In the event of a disaster our personnel and assets are protected and are able to function quickly. To ensure that, we have [DESCRIBE YOUR SYSTEM OF PREVENTION AND RECOVERY FROM POTENTIAL THREATS TO YOUR COMPANY]. [ADD ANY ADDITIONAL CONTENT HERE] 2.2 Crisis and disaster management Severity Level Criteria Action to be taken Disaster Severe impact to several critical applications resulting in the inability to provide critical functions, processes or services. Outage expected to exceed (48 hrs) to resolve Immediately escalate and activate recovery plan. Mobilize recovery team and begin recovery process. Activate business continuity plans. Crisis Moderate to severe impact to one or more critical applications that has the potential to compromise the ability to provide critical functions, processes or services if not restored within 48 hours. Outage may or may not exceed the recovery time objective (RTO) 48 hrs to resolve. Potential to replace damaged equipment or restore data locally within RTO (48 hrs). Assess damage to determine the extent of the disruption Decide if business continuity plans should be activated If outage is expected to exceed RTO (48 hours) or if the impact expands to additional critical systems, escalate to Disaster otherwise address via incident management 2

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Document content

This business contingency plan template has 14 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our business contingency plan template:

Contingency Plan Your business slogan here. Prepared By: [YOUR NAME] [YOUR JOB TITLE] Phone 555.555.5555 Email Table of Content Table of Content 2 Letter from the CEO 3 Executive Summary 4 1. Purpose of the Contingency Plan 5 1.1 Purpose 5 1.2 Why do we need a plan? 5 2.Business Continuity Planning 6 2.1 Our preparation 6 2.2 Crisis and disaster management 6 2.3 Recovery plan & recovery team 7 3.Business Impact Analysis 8 3.1 Areas essential to business operation 8 3.2 How the risks would affect us 9 4.Development Plan 11 5.Testing & Maintenance 13 5.1 Testing 13 5.2 Maintenance 13 5.3 Communication 14 Letter from the CEO Being in business involves a certain level of uncertainty. Indeed, no company is safe from an unexpected event that could affect its survival or influence the continuity of its activities. To do so, every company must have a Contingency Plan in place. A Contingency Plan is an action plan designed to help an organization respond effectively to a significant future event or situation that may or may not occur. It often refers to a negative event that affects an organization's reputation, financial health or ability to remain in business. It can also be considered part of Business Continuity Management (BCM). This term is broadly defined as a business process that aims to ensure that organizations are able to withstand any disruption to their operations. In the following pages you will find out how [ COMPANY NAME] plans to react in different situations. It is in everyone's interest that everyone is aware of this plan in order to be prepared in the event of an uncontrollable and unexpected event. It is also the duty of supervisors to ensure that the various components of their department understand the parts of the plan that affect them personally in the course of their work. Enjoy your reading and thank you for your participation [CEO NAME] Executive Summary [COMPANY NAME] has developed a contingency plan to respond to major, unforeseeable events. This could be a fire, flood, data breach, major network failure, etc. After an exhaustive analysis of the various potential risks on [COMPANY NAME]'s operations, we have produced this Contingency Plan. Also, this Plan has been done in a broader context that includes our Business Continuity Plan (BCP). A BCP is a logistical plan companies use to restore interrupted business services. In order to do this, we have done the following: Conducted an impact analysis; Establishes recovery strategies; Creates a development plan; Test that plan and establish maintenance procedures; Create a Communication Plan In case of potentially catastrophic events, [COMPANY NAME] will be prepared and able to operate in order to meet all its obligations. 1. Purpose of the Contingency Plan 1.1 Purpose Contingency planning is a component of business continuity strategy because they help ensure that the organization is ready for anything. It's also a component of disaster recovery and risk management. The purpose of [COMPANY NAME]'s Contingency Plan is to identify essential business operations or functions (the facilities, equipment, records, personnel and other resources required to perform these functions) and plans for effective recovery from an event that affects the normal operation of [COMPANY NAME]. [ADD ANY ADDITIONAL CONTENT HERE] 1.2 Why do we need a plan? A Contingency Plan is sometimes referred to as "Plan B," because it can be also used as an alternative for action if expected results fail to materialize. The main reasons are also: For better preparation For better flexibility For a quicker reaction For preventing panic For eliminating last minute comprehension For minimizing losses [ADD ANY ADDITIONAL CONTENT HERE] 2.Business Continuity Planning 2.1 Our preparation A good preparation facilitates: The rapid recovery of mission-critical business operations The continuation of critical business functions The monitoring of threat activity for adjustment of technical controls The reduction of the impact of a disaster In the event of a disaster our personnel and assets are protected and are able to function quickly. To ensure that, we have [DESCRIBE YOUR SYSTEM OF PREVENTION AND RECOVERY FROM POTENTIAL THREATS TO YOUR COMPANY]. [ADD ANY ADDITIONAL CONTENT HERE] 2.2 Crisis and disaster management Severity Level Criteria Action to be taken Disaster Severe impact to several critical applications resulting in the inability to provide critical functions, processes or services. Outage expected to exceed (48 hrs) to resolve Immediately escalate and activate recovery plan. Mobilize recovery team and begin recovery process. Activate business continuity plans. Crisis Moderate to severe impact to one or more critical applications that has the potential to compromise the ability to provide critical functions, processes or services if not restored within 48 hours. Outage may or may not exceed the recovery time objective (RTO) 48 hrs to resolve. Potential to replace damaged equipment or restore data locally within RTO (48 hrs). Assess damage to determine the extent of the disruption Decide if business continuity plans should be activated If outage is expected to exceed RTO (48 hours) or if the impact expands to additional critical systems, escalate to Disaster otherwise address via incident management 2

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