Business-in-a-Box's Board Resolution Approving Budget Template

Board Resolution Approving Budget Template

Document description

This board resolution approving budget template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our board resolution approving budget template:

BOARD RESOLUTION OF [YOUR COMPANY NAME] APPROVING THE [20XX-XX] BUDGET DULY PASSED ON [DATE] APPROVAL OF BUDGET WHEREAS, the [20XX-XX] budget of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] has been recommended for adoption by the President and Chief Financial Officer, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the [20XX-XX] budget of the [YOUR COMPANY NAME] presented as schedule A to this board resolution, is hereby approved and shall be allocated. RESOLVED, that the officers of this corporation are, and each acting alone is, hereby authorized to do and perform any and all such acts, including execution of any and all documents and certifica

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