Work From Home Policy Template

Business-in-a-Box's Work From Home Policy Template
Document content

This work from home policy template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our work from home policy template:

[COMPANY NAME] WORK FROM HOME POLICY POLICY STATEMENT [COMPANY NAME] provides users with the facilities and opportunities to work from home as appropriate. We will ensure that all users who work from home are aware of the acceptable use of portable computer devices and opportunities to work from home. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to state the Work from Home Policy of [COMPANY NAME]. Portable computing devices are provided to assist users to conduct official business efficiently and effectively. This equipment, and any information stored on portable computing devices, should be recognised as valuable organisational information assets, and safeguarded appropriately. SCOPE This document applies to all employees of [COMPANY NAME] and contractual third parties who use [COMPANY NAME] IT facilities and equipment at their residence, or who require remote access to [COMPANY NAME] Information Systems or information. This policy should always be adhered to whenever any user makes use of portable computing devices. This policy applies to all users of [COMPANY NAME] IT equipment and personal IT equipment when working away from [COMPANY NAME] offices/facilities. Portable computing devices include, but are not restricted to, the following: Laptop computers. Tablet, PCs. Mobile phones Wireless technologies. RISKS [COMPANY NAME] recognises that there are risks associated with users accessing and handling information to conduct official work. The mobility, technology and information that make portable computing devices so useful to employees and organisations also make them valuable assets for thieves. This policy aims to mitigate the following risks: Increased risk of equipment damage, loss or theft. Accidental or deliberate overlooking by unauthorised individuals. Unauthorised access to PROTECT and RESTRICTED information. Unauthorised introduction of malicious software and viruses. Potential sanctions against the company imposed by the authorities because of information loss or misuse. Potential legal action against the company because of information loss or misuse. [COMPANY NAME] reputational damage because of information loss or misuse. Non-compliance with this policy could have a significant effect on the efficient operation of [COMPANY NAME] and may result in financial loss and an inability to provide necessary services to our customers. EQUIPMENTS All IT equipment (including portable computer devices) supplied to users is the property of [COMPANY NAME]. It must be returned upon the request of [COMPANY NAME]. Access for support or IT Service staff of [COMPANY NAME] shall be given to allow essential maintenance security work or removal, upon request. All IT equipment will be supplied and installed by [COMPANY NAME] IT Service staff. Hardware and software must only be provided by [COMPANY NAME] IT Service staff. USER RESPONSIBILITY It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the following points are always adhered to: Users must take due care and attention of portable computer devices when moving between home and another business site. Users will not install or update any software on a [COMPANY NAME] owned portable computer device. Users will not install any screen savers on a [COMPANY NAME] owned portable computer device. Users will not change the configuration of any [COMPANY NAME] owned portable computer device. Users will not install any hardware to or inside any [COMPANY NAME] owned portable computer device, unless authorised by [COMPANY NAME] IT Service staff. Users will allow the installation and maintenance of [COMPANY NAME] installed Anti-Virus updates immediately. Business critical data should be stored on a [COMPANY NAME file and print server wherever possible and not held on the portable computer device. Users must not remove or deface any asset registration number. User requests for upgrades of hardware or software must be approved by [SPECIFY]. Equipment and software will then be purchased and installed by IT Service staff.

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Document content

This work from home policy template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our work from home policy template:

[COMPANY NAME] WORK FROM HOME POLICY POLICY STATEMENT [COMPANY NAME] provides users with the facilities and opportunities to work from home as appropriate. We will ensure that all users who work from home are aware of the acceptable use of portable computer devices and opportunities to work from home. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to state the Work from Home Policy of [COMPANY NAME]. Portable computing devices are provided to assist users to conduct official business efficiently and effectively. This equipment, and any information stored on portable computing devices, should be recognised as valuable organisational information assets, and safeguarded appropriately. SCOPE This document applies to all employees of [COMPANY NAME] and contractual third parties who use [COMPANY NAME] IT facilities and equipment at their residence, or who require remote access to [COMPANY NAME] Information Systems or information. This policy should always be adhered to whenever any user makes use of portable computing devices. This policy applies to all users of [COMPANY NAME] IT equipment and personal IT equipment when working away from [COMPANY NAME] offices/facilities. Portable computing devices include, but are not restricted to, the following: Laptop computers. Tablet, PCs. Mobile phones Wireless technologies. RISKS [COMPANY NAME] recognises that there are risks associated with users accessing and handling information to conduct official work. The mobility, technology and information that make portable computing devices so useful to employees and organisations also make them valuable assets for thieves. This policy aims to mitigate the following risks: Increased risk of equipment damage, loss or theft. Accidental or deliberate overlooking by unauthorised individuals. Unauthorised access to PROTECT and RESTRICTED information. Unauthorised introduction of malicious software and viruses. Potential sanctions against the company imposed by the authorities because of information loss or misuse. Potential legal action against the company because of information loss or misuse. [COMPANY NAME] reputational damage because of information loss or misuse. Non-compliance with this policy could have a significant effect on the efficient operation of [COMPANY NAME] and may result in financial loss and an inability to provide necessary services to our customers. EQUIPMENTS All IT equipment (including portable computer devices) supplied to users is the property of [COMPANY NAME]. It must be returned upon the request of [COMPANY NAME]. Access for support or IT Service staff of [COMPANY NAME] shall be given to allow essential maintenance security work or removal, upon request. All IT equipment will be supplied and installed by [COMPANY NAME] IT Service staff. Hardware and software must only be provided by [COMPANY NAME] IT Service staff. USER RESPONSIBILITY It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the following points are always adhered to: Users must take due care and attention of portable computer devices when moving between home and another business site. Users will not install or update any software on a [COMPANY NAME] owned portable computer device. Users will not install any screen savers on a [COMPANY NAME] owned portable computer device. Users will not change the configuration of any [COMPANY NAME] owned portable computer device. Users will not install any hardware to or inside any [COMPANY NAME] owned portable computer device, unless authorised by [COMPANY NAME] IT Service staff. Users will allow the installation and maintenance of [COMPANY NAME] installed Anti-Virus updates immediately. Business critical data should be stored on a [COMPANY NAME file and print server wherever possible and not held on the portable computer device. Users must not remove or deface any asset registration number. User requests for upgrades of hardware or software must be approved by [SPECIFY]. Equipment and software will then be purchased and installed by IT Service staff.

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