This personal reference check letter template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: Personal Reference for [applicant] Dear [Reference name], The above-named individual has applied for employment with our business and has named you as a reference. In order to make an informed hiring decision, we need to know the applicant's work/educational history and personal qualifications or fitness for employment. A release permitting you to provide the following information has been signed by the applicant and a copy is attached. Any information that you give will be held in the strictest confidence. Please help us by answering the following questions. How long have you known [Applicant]? What is the nature of your relationship? Why do you think [Applicant] would be a good choice as a [name of position]? Do you know of any reasons that could prevent [Applicant] from performing the functions of the position? Information furnished by: Signature: Date: Thank you very much for your time and prompt response. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME] [YOUR TITLE] [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] [YOUREMAIL@YOURCOMPANY.COM]
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This personal reference check letter template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: Personal Reference for [applicant] Dear [Reference name], The above-named individual has applied for employment with our business and has named you as a reference. In order to make an informed hiring decision, we need to know the applicant's work/educational history and personal qualifications or fitness for employment. A release permitting you to provide the following information has been signed by the applicant and a copy is attached. Any information that you give will be held in the strictest confidence. Please help us by answering the following questions. How long have you known [Applicant]? What is the nature of your relationship? Why do you think [Applicant] would be a good choice as a [name of position]? Do you know of any reasons that could prevent [Applicant] from performing the functions of the position? Information furnished by: Signature: Date: Thank you very much for your time and prompt response. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME] [YOUR TITLE] [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] [YOUREMAIL@YOURCOMPANY.COM]
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