This reference check phone script template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
Employment Reference Phone Script When telephoning another company to conduct a reference check, be sure to introduce yourself, giving [YOUR NAME] and title, where you are calling from, and explain the reason for your call. Try to speak with the applicant's supervisor. Make sure the person you do speak to has the authority to give references. Give the person you are speaking with the name of the applicant, the position they are applying for and the supposed dates of employment with their company. Offer to fax a release if the person you are speaking to is reluctant to give information. Applicant's Name: Date: Position Applied For: Dept.: Person Conducting Check: Title:
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This reference check phone script template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
Employment Reference Phone Script When telephoning another company to conduct a reference check, be sure to introduce yourself, giving [YOUR NAME] and title, where you are calling from, and explain the reason for your call. Try to speak with the applicant's supervisor. Make sure the person you do speak to has the authority to give references. Give the person you are speaking with the name of the applicant, the position they are applying for and the supposed dates of employment with their company. Offer to fax a release if the person you are speaking to is reluctant to give information. Applicant's Name: Date: Position Applied For: Dept.: Person Conducting Check: Title:
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