Business-in-a-Box's Job Offer Letter Long Template

Job Offer Letter Long Template

Document description

This job offer letter long template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our job offer letter long template:

[DATE] Contact name Address Address 2 City, State/Province Zip/Postal Code SUBJECT: JOB OFFER FOR [DESCRIBE] Dear [CANDIDATE NAME]: Congratulations! [Company name] is excited to offer you the position of [job title] with an expected start date of [day, month, year] at a starting salary of [dollar amount] per [hour, year, etc.]. You can expect to receive payment [weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.], starting on [date of first pay period]. We must wrap up a few more formalities, including the successful completion of your [background check, drug screening, reference check, etc.].

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