This how to make the most of having a personal assistant template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF HAVING A PERSONAL ASSISTANT Having an assistant and making the most of the relationship are two different things. A personal assistant can be a tremendous asset, but only if utilized properly. Consider all the ways you spend your time each day. Now, consider those tasks that don't necessarily require your presence. Those are perfect tasks for a personal assistant. Try these techniques: Have a way of tracking progress that is always available to both of you. It's a mistake to allow an assistant to develop their own tracking processes. Determine what is needed and create it yourself. It's important to be able to pull up the information from any location, at any time, and see what's happening. Make the most of the technology available. Shared spreadsheets, Google Documents, or project-oriented websites such as Asana are all viable options. Use your assistant to manage your inbox. This will take some time to accomplish. Determine a process for determining how the various types of emails and are to be handled. What must be handled by yourself? What can be handled by the assistant? What can be ignored? Make use of email folders and tagging to communicate the assistant's activities.
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This how to make the most of having a personal assistant template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF HAVING A PERSONAL ASSISTANT Having an assistant and making the most of the relationship are two different things. A personal assistant can be a tremendous asset, but only if utilized properly. Consider all the ways you spend your time each day. Now, consider those tasks that don't necessarily require your presence. Those are perfect tasks for a personal assistant. Try these techniques: Have a way of tracking progress that is always available to both of you. It's a mistake to allow an assistant to develop their own tracking processes. Determine what is needed and create it yourself. It's important to be able to pull up the information from any location, at any time, and see what's happening. Make the most of the technology available. Shared spreadsheets, Google Documents, or project-oriented websites such as Asana are all viable options. Use your assistant to manage your inbox. This will take some time to accomplish. Determine a process for determining how the various types of emails and are to be handled. What must be handled by yourself? What can be handled by the assistant? What can be ignored? Make use of email folders and tagging to communicate the assistant's activities.
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