Fixed Term Contract Template

Business-in-a-Box's Fixed Term Contract Template
Document content

This fixed term contract template has 9 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our fixed term contract template:

FIXED-TERM AGREEMENT This Fixed-Term Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [COMPANY NAME], (the "Company") a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE] with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [EMPLOYEE NAME], (the "Employee") an individual with his main address located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] Collectively, the Company and Employee shall be referred to as the "Parties." WHEREAS, the Company has offered employment to the Employee in the capacity of [SPECIFY CAPACITY OF EMPLOYEE] in the Company; WHEREAS, the Employee is desirous of and is willing to be employed by the Company in such capacity; NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: DEFINITIONS "Agreement" and "this Agreement" shall mean this Fixed-Term Agreement and all attached annexures and instruments supplemental to or amending, modifying or confirming this Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. "Company" shall have the meaning given to such expression in paragraph 1 of the introduction of the Parties. "Confidential Information" includes any trade/business secret, technical knowledge or know-how, financial information, plans, customer lists, pricing policies and procedures, marketing data, research and development data, product data, any formula pattern or compilation of information used in the business of the Company or any clients thereof or their affairs. "Intellectual Property" means all intellectual and industrial property and all rights therein, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all inventions (whether patentable or not, and whether or not patent protection has been applied for or granted), improvements, developments, discoveries, proprietary information, trademarks, trademark applications, trade names, websites, Internet domain names, logos, slogans, know-how, trade secrets, processes, designs (whether or not registerable and whether or not design rights subsist in them), works in which copyright may subsist (including computer software and preparatory and design materials therefor). "Month" means a calendar month. "Working Day" means any day excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and statutory holidays. "Customer(s)"/"Clients" shall mean any individual, corporation, partnership, business, or other entity, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, whose existence and business is known to the Employee as a result of the Employee's access to the Company's business information, Confidential Information, customer lists, customer account information or any other source of information the Employee has access to during its employment. TERM This is a Fixed-Term Agreement. This Agreement will commence on [SPECIFY DATE] and will end on [SPECIFY DATE]. FIXED-TERM APPOINTMENT The Company hereby offers appointment to the Employee for a Fixed Term to serve the Company in the capacity of [CAPACITY OF EMPLOYEE], with effect from [SPECIFY DATE] (the "Effective Date") until [SPECIFY DATE]. The Company may conduct a background and a medical check on the Employee, who hereby agrees and assents to the aforesaid offer being made subject to the satisfactory completion of the same. The Employee shall perform their duties at [SPECIFY ADDRESS]. The Employee warrants that, by entering into this Agreement and performing obligations hereunder, the Employee will not be in breach of any terms or obligations under any subsisting agreement, written or oral, with any third party. Notice Period. The Employee will be required to give [NUMBER OF MONTHS] months' notice or salary thereof in case the Employee decides to leave the Company's services. In the event of the Employee having any incomplete assignment, the Company will have the discretion to relieve the Employee only at the end of the [NUMBER OF MONTHS] months' notice period. Similarly, the Company can terminate the Employee's services by giving the Employee [NUMBER OF MONTHS] months' notice or salary thereof. The Company may terminate the Employee's services immediately on disciplinary grounds. Standard Office Hours. The Company's core hours of operation are from [OFFICE HOURS]. DUTIES AND POWERS The Employee's job description and general responsibilities shall be as set forth in "Annexure A" and shall include such further duties and responsibilities as the Company may delegate from time to time. The roles and duties of the Employee are not limited to the ones listed in Annexure A, and the same can be modified or altered as per the decision of the Company. The Employee shall perform all such duties as may be delegated by the Company and comply with all such directions as the Officers of the Company and/or his/her nominated deputies may from time to time assign or give to the Employee. The Employee shall, during the Term of this Agreement (unless prevented by ill health or accident or as otherwise agreed by the Company in writing), devote his time and attention and abilities to the employment with the Company and shall use best endeavours to promote and protect the Company's general interests and welfare. The Parties shall fulfill all their obligations by being compliant with the applicable laws. REMUNERATION The Employee shall be paid [SPECIFY MONTHLY SALARY] on a monthly basis. The said salary shall be paid on [DAY] day of each month to the Employee by the Company. The Employee's salary shall be paid through [MODE OF TRANSFER]. The Employee's salary and other benefits shall be subject to compulsory statutory and other deductions, including tax and other contributions that are to be held by the Employee in STATE/PROVINCE]. LEAVE AND HOLIDAYS The Employee shall be entitled to leave in a year as per the leave policy of the Company, which is annexed as Annexure B to the present Agreement. NON-DISCLOSURE, NON-SOLICITATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY As Confidential Information will from time to time become known to the Employee, the Company considers and the Employee agrees that the restraints set forth in this Agreement (on which the Employee has had the opportunity to take independent legal advice) are necessary for the reasonable protection by the Company of its business or the business of the Group, the clients thereof or their respective affairs. The Employee shall not at any time, either during the continuance of or after the termination of employment with the Company, use, disclose or communicate to any person whatsoever any Confidential Information which the Employee has or of which he may have become possessed during the Employee's employment with the Company, nor shall he supply the names or addresses of any clients, customers, vendors or agents of the Company to any person except as authorised by the Company or as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. The Employee consents to the Company holding and processing, both electronically and manually, the data it collects in the course of his employment, for the purpose of the Company's administration and management of its employees, its business, and to comply with applicable procedures, laws and regulations. The Employee agrees that he will not at any time during the continuance of employment or on expiry or on termination/cessation of employment with the Company or thereafter, issue any statements to the press (whether oral or written) which have not directly been authorised by the Company. The obligations under this clause shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement, and any disclosure of the Confidential Information by the Employee intentionally or unintentionally shall constitute a material breach of the present Agreement, thereby making the Employee liable for the legal action that may be taken by the Company in this regard.

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Document content

This fixed term contract template has 9 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our fixed term contract template:

FIXED-TERM AGREEMENT This Fixed-Term Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [COMPANY NAME], (the "Company") a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE] with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [EMPLOYEE NAME], (the "Employee") an individual with his main address located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] Collectively, the Company and Employee shall be referred to as the "Parties." WHEREAS, the Company has offered employment to the Employee in the capacity of [SPECIFY CAPACITY OF EMPLOYEE] in the Company; WHEREAS, the Employee is desirous of and is willing to be employed by the Company in such capacity; NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: DEFINITIONS "Agreement" and "this Agreement" shall mean this Fixed-Term Agreement and all attached annexures and instruments supplemental to or amending, modifying or confirming this Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. "Company" shall have the meaning given to such expression in paragraph 1 of the introduction of the Parties. "Confidential Information" includes any trade/business secret, technical knowledge or know-how, financial information, plans, customer lists, pricing policies and procedures, marketing data, research and development data, product data, any formula pattern or compilation of information used in the business of the Company or any clients thereof or their affairs. "Intellectual Property" means all intellectual and industrial property and all rights therein, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all inventions (whether patentable or not, and whether or not patent protection has been applied for or granted), improvements, developments, discoveries, proprietary information, trademarks, trademark applications, trade names, websites, Internet domain names, logos, slogans, know-how, trade secrets, processes, designs (whether or not registerable and whether or not design rights subsist in them), works in which copyright may subsist (including computer software and preparatory and design materials therefor). "Month" means a calendar month. "Working Day" means any day excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and statutory holidays. "Customer(s)"/"Clients" shall mean any individual, corporation, partnership, business, or other entity, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, whose existence and business is known to the Employee as a result of the Employee's access to the Company's business information, Confidential Information, customer lists, customer account information or any other source of information the Employee has access to during its employment. TERM This is a Fixed-Term Agreement. This Agreement will commence on [SPECIFY DATE] and will end on [SPECIFY DATE]. FIXED-TERM APPOINTMENT The Company hereby offers appointment to the Employee for a Fixed Term to serve the Company in the capacity of [CAPACITY OF EMPLOYEE], with effect from [SPECIFY DATE] (the "Effective Date") until [SPECIFY DATE]. The Company may conduct a background and a medical check on the Employee, who hereby agrees and assents to the aforesaid offer being made subject to the satisfactory completion of the same. The Employee shall perform their duties at [SPECIFY ADDRESS]. The Employee warrants that, by entering into this Agreement and performing obligations hereunder, the Employee will not be in breach of any terms or obligations under any subsisting agreement, written or oral, with any third party. Notice Period. The Employee will be required to give [NUMBER OF MONTHS] months' notice or salary thereof in case the Employee decides to leave the Company's services. In the event of the Employee having any incomplete assignment, the Company will have the discretion to relieve the Employee only at the end of the [NUMBER OF MONTHS] months' notice period. Similarly, the Company can terminate the Employee's services by giving the Employee [NUMBER OF MONTHS] months' notice or salary thereof. The Company may terminate the Employee's services immediately on disciplinary grounds. Standard Office Hours. The Company's core hours of operation are from [OFFICE HOURS]. DUTIES AND POWERS The Employee's job description and general responsibilities shall be as set forth in "Annexure A" and shall include such further duties and responsibilities as the Company may delegate from time to time. The roles and duties of the Employee are not limited to the ones listed in Annexure A, and the same can be modified or altered as per the decision of the Company. The Employee shall perform all such duties as may be delegated by the Company and comply with all such directions as the Officers of the Company and/or his/her nominated deputies may from time to time assign or give to the Employee. The Employee shall, during the Term of this Agreement (unless prevented by ill health or accident or as otherwise agreed by the Company in writing), devote his time and attention and abilities to the employment with the Company and shall use best endeavours to promote and protect the Company's general interests and welfare. The Parties shall fulfill all their obligations by being compliant with the applicable laws. REMUNERATION The Employee shall be paid [SPECIFY MONTHLY SALARY] on a monthly basis. The said salary shall be paid on [DAY] day of each month to the Employee by the Company. The Employee's salary shall be paid through [MODE OF TRANSFER]. The Employee's salary and other benefits shall be subject to compulsory statutory and other deductions, including tax and other contributions that are to be held by the Employee in STATE/PROVINCE]. LEAVE AND HOLIDAYS The Employee shall be entitled to leave in a year as per the leave policy of the Company, which is annexed as Annexure B to the present Agreement. NON-DISCLOSURE, NON-SOLICITATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY As Confidential Information will from time to time become known to the Employee, the Company considers and the Employee agrees that the restraints set forth in this Agreement (on which the Employee has had the opportunity to take independent legal advice) are necessary for the reasonable protection by the Company of its business or the business of the Group, the clients thereof or their respective affairs. The Employee shall not at any time, either during the continuance of or after the termination of employment with the Company, use, disclose or communicate to any person whatsoever any Confidential Information which the Employee has or of which he may have become possessed during the Employee's employment with the Company, nor shall he supply the names or addresses of any clients, customers, vendors or agents of the Company to any person except as authorised by the Company or as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. The Employee consents to the Company holding and processing, both electronically and manually, the data it collects in the course of his employment, for the purpose of the Company's administration and management of its employees, its business, and to comply with applicable procedures, laws and regulations. The Employee agrees that he will not at any time during the continuance of employment or on expiry or on termination/cessation of employment with the Company or thereafter, issue any statements to the press (whether oral or written) which have not directly been authorised by the Company. The obligations under this clause shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement, and any disclosure of the Confidential Information by the Employee intentionally or unintentionally shall constitute a material breach of the present Agreement, thereby making the Employee liable for the legal action that may be taken by the Company in this regard.

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