Community Center Business Plan Template

Business-in-a-Box's Community Center Business Plan Template
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This community center business plan template has 29 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our community center business plan template:

Confidentiality Agreement The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] in this business plan is confidential; therefore, reader agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this business plan is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by reader may cause serious harm or damage to [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. ___________________ Signature ___________________ Name (typed or printed) ___________________ Date This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities. 1.0 Executive Summary 1 1.1 Objectives 2 1.2 Mission 2 1.3 Keys to Success 2 2.0 Organization Summary 2 2.1 Legal Entity 2 2.2 Organization History 2 3.0 Services 4 4.0 Market Analysis Summary 4 4.1 Market Segmentation 5 Table: Market Analysis 5 4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy 6 4.3 Service Providers Analysis 6 4.3.1 Alternatives and Usage Patterns 6 5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary 7 5.1 Competitive Edge 7 5.2 Marketing Strategy 7 5.3 Fundraising Strategy 8 5.3.1 Funding Forecast 8 5.4 Milestones 10 Table: Milestones 10 6.0 Management Summary 10 6.1 Personnel Plan 10 Table: Personnel 10 7.0 Financial Plan 11 7.1 Important Assumptions 11 7.2 Break-even Analysis 11 7.3 Projected Surplus or Deficit 12 7.4 Projected Cash Flow 15 7.5 Projected Balance Sheet 17 7.6 Standard Ratios 18 7.6 Standard Ratios 18 Table: Funding Forecast 1 Table: Personnel 2 Table: Surplus and Deficit 3 Table: Cash Flow 4 Table: Balance Sheet 6 1.0 Executive Summary [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is a not-for-profit organization formed to provide a place where people of all ages and abilities are encouraged to develop their full potential through education and extracurricular activities, in addition to counseling for individuals that need help with mental health, drug & alcohol addictions, family and marriage counseling. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] plans to offer dynamic, unique, and constantly evolving programs and services. OWNER'S NAME has over 15 years experience as a Professional Therapist, Senior Drug & Alcohol Counselor and Martial Arts Instructor. Co-Owner, CO-OWNER'S NAME, has experience working with adolescents and parents, Aurora Parks & Recreation, volunteer at Morning Star Senior Daycare for 8 years and other community programs. The purpose of this plan is to attain grant funding in the amount of $1,000,000 in order to develop a Community Center to house programs that are geared towards revitalizing the community. The types of programs to be included the expansion of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], Martial Arts School, to start an Adult Daycare, the addition of Financial Counseling, to flourish the Event Planning Business operated by minority women, to expand the Artistic Therapy (utilizing art forms for therapy such as dance, theater arts, music, poetry, artwork, etc) and to purchase and refurbish (major renovations, HVAC and electrical repairs, etc.) This will be the building to house all of the above mentioned programs. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] 1.1 Objectives The objectives of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] are: To develop a Community Center to house programs that is geared towards revitalizing the community. To initiate an event planning business operated by minority women, Artistic Therapy (utilizing art forms for therapy such as dance, theater arts, music, poetry, artwork, etc) To purchase and refurbish a building to house current and future house programs. 1.2 Mission [YOUR COMPANY NAME] aims to offer safe and secure counseling care and community services at all times. Close personal attention to each person in need is essential to providing a quality experience for all of the community; therefore, adequate personnel will be hired to ensure each person has the proper supervision and attention in the company's care. 1.3 Keys to Success Keys to success for the company will include: Maintaining a reputable and untarnished reputation in the community. Quality counseling, educational and recreational services. Flexible hours. 2.0 Organization Summary [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is a not-for-profit organization formed to provide a place where people of all ages and abilities are encouraged to develop their full potential through education and extra circular activities. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] plans to offer dynamic, unique and constantly evolving programs. Although the company will incorporate college prep courses into our programs, the focus is on after-school daycare, martial arts courses, education and senior daycare for the community. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] was started by [YOUR NAME]. [YOUR NAME] has over 15 years experience as a Professional Therapist, Senior Drug & Alcohol Counselor and Martial Arts Instructor. Co-Owner, CO-OWNER'S NAME, has experience working with adolescents and parents, Aurora Parks & Recreation, volunteer at Morning Star Senior Daycare for 8 years and other community programs. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is located in the [YOUR CITY] of in [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE]. Although preliminary plans are being made to find a new location, the organization will secure space when approximately fifty percent of our start-up funding has been raised. 2.1 Legal Entity [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is an [YOURCITY], [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] nonprofit corporation owned by [YOUR NAME] and CO-OWNER'S NAME. 2.2 Organization History [YOUR COMPANY NAME] was founded in August of the year 1995 by [YOUR NAME] and CO-OWNER'S NAME. Table: Past Performance Past Performance 2007 2008 2009 Funding $60,152 $53,812 $64,403 Gross Surplus $0 $0 ($105) Gross Surplus % 0.00% 0.00% -0.16% Operating Expenses $47,239 $50,709 $45,914 Balance Sheet 2007 2008 2009 Current Assets Cash $27,280 $65,879 $122,236 Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 Total Current Assets $27,280 $65,879 $122,236 Long-term Assets Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0 Accumulated Depreciation $0 $0 $0 Total Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0 Total Assets $27,280 $65,879 $122,236 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $0 $0 $0 Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0 Other Current Liabilities (interest free) $0 $0 $0 Total Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0 Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0 Total Liabilities $0 $0 $0 Paid-in Capital $0 $0 $72 Retained Earnings $14,366 $62,776 $91,642 Earnings $12,914 $3,103 $30,522 Total Capital $27,280 $65,879 $122,236 Total Capital and Liabilities $27,280 $65,879 $122,236 Other Inputs Payment Days 0 0 0 3.0 Services [YOUR COMPANY NAME] will provide the following activities and services: Counseling in the areas of Mental Health, Drug & Alcohol addictions, Family and Marriage. The counseling center is [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] Licensed to provide for DUI Education, Therapy and Anger Management. A bilingual therapist will also be available for clients that do not speak English as a primary language. An artistic therapy program utilizing art forms for therapy such as dance, theater arts, music, poetry, artwork. A martial arts school that teaches Tae Kwando, Tang Soo Do and Hapkido and other self defense techniques. An adult daycare program. Financial counseling. Creative arts, dance and theater programs. Life and employment seeking skill programs. 4.0 Market Analysis Summary [YOUR CITY] is a Home Rule Municipality spanning Arapahoe, Adams, and Douglas counties in [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE]. [YOUR CITY] is the third most populous [YOUR CITY] in the [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] of [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] and the 59th most populous [YOUR CITY] in the United [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE]s. [YOUR CITY] had an estimated population of 319,057 in 2008

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Document content

This community center business plan template has 29 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our community center business plan template:

Confidentiality Agreement The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] in this business plan is confidential; therefore, reader agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this business plan is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by reader may cause serious harm or damage to [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. ___________________ Signature ___________________ Name (typed or printed) ___________________ Date This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities. 1.0 Executive Summary 1 1.1 Objectives 2 1.2 Mission 2 1.3 Keys to Success 2 2.0 Organization Summary 2 2.1 Legal Entity 2 2.2 Organization History 2 3.0 Services 4 4.0 Market Analysis Summary 4 4.1 Market Segmentation 5 Table: Market Analysis 5 4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy 6 4.3 Service Providers Analysis 6 4.3.1 Alternatives and Usage Patterns 6 5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary 7 5.1 Competitive Edge 7 5.2 Marketing Strategy 7 5.3 Fundraising Strategy 8 5.3.1 Funding Forecast 8 5.4 Milestones 10 Table: Milestones 10 6.0 Management Summary 10 6.1 Personnel Plan 10 Table: Personnel 10 7.0 Financial Plan 11 7.1 Important Assumptions 11 7.2 Break-even Analysis 11 7.3 Projected Surplus or Deficit 12 7.4 Projected Cash Flow 15 7.5 Projected Balance Sheet 17 7.6 Standard Ratios 18 7.6 Standard Ratios 18 Table: Funding Forecast 1 Table: Personnel 2 Table: Surplus and Deficit 3 Table: Cash Flow 4 Table: Balance Sheet 6 1.0 Executive Summary [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is a not-for-profit organization formed to provide a place where people of all ages and abilities are encouraged to develop their full potential through education and extracurricular activities, in addition to counseling for individuals that need help with mental health, drug & alcohol addictions, family and marriage counseling. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] plans to offer dynamic, unique, and constantly evolving programs and services. OWNER'S NAME has over 15 years experience as a Professional Therapist, Senior Drug & Alcohol Counselor and Martial Arts Instructor. Co-Owner, CO-OWNER'S NAME, has experience working with adolescents and parents, Aurora Parks & Recreation, volunteer at Morning Star Senior Daycare for 8 years and other community programs. The purpose of this plan is to attain grant funding in the amount of $1,000,000 in order to develop a Community Center to house programs that are geared towards revitalizing the community. The types of programs to be included the expansion of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], Martial Arts School, to start an Adult Daycare, the addition of Financial Counseling, to flourish the Event Planning Business operated by minority women, to expand the Artistic Therapy (utilizing art forms for therapy such as dance, theater arts, music, poetry, artwork, etc) and to purchase and refurbish (major renovations, HVAC and electrical repairs, etc.) This will be the building to house all of the above mentioned programs. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] 1.1 Objectives The objectives of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] are: To develop a Community Center to house programs that is geared towards revitalizing the community. To initiate an event planning business operated by minority women, Artistic Therapy (utilizing art forms for therapy such as dance, theater arts, music, poetry, artwork, etc) To purchase and refurbish a building to house current and future house programs. 1.2 Mission [YOUR COMPANY NAME] aims to offer safe and secure counseling care and community services at all times. Close personal attention to each person in need is essential to providing a quality experience for all of the community; therefore, adequate personnel will be hired to ensure each person has the proper supervision and attention in the company's care. 1.3 Keys to Success Keys to success for the company will include: Maintaining a reputable and untarnished reputation in the community. Quality counseling, educational and recreational services. Flexible hours. 2.0 Organization Summary [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is a not-for-profit organization formed to provide a place where people of all ages and abilities are encouraged to develop their full potential through education and extra circular activities. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] plans to offer dynamic, unique and constantly evolving programs. Although the company will incorporate college prep courses into our programs, the focus is on after-school daycare, martial arts courses, education and senior daycare for the community. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] was started by [YOUR NAME]. [YOUR NAME] has over 15 years experience as a Professional Therapist, Senior Drug & Alcohol Counselor and Martial Arts Instructor. Co-Owner, CO-OWNER'S NAME, has experience working with adolescents and parents, Aurora Parks & Recreation, volunteer at Morning Star Senior Daycare for 8 years and other community programs. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is located in the [YOUR CITY] of in [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE]. Although preliminary plans are being made to find a new location, the organization will secure space when approximately fifty percent of our start-up funding has been raised. 2.1 Legal Entity [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is an [YOURCITY], [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] nonprofit corporation owned by [YOUR NAME] and CO-OWNER'S NAME. 2.2 Organization History [YOUR COMPANY NAME] was founded in August of the year 1995 by [YOUR NAME] and CO-OWNER'S NAME. Table: Past Performance Past Performance 2007 2008 2009 Funding $60,152 $53,812 $64,403 Gross Surplus $0 $0 ($105) Gross Surplus % 0.00% 0.00% -0.16% Operating Expenses $47,239 $50,709 $45,914 Balance Sheet 2007 2008 2009 Current Assets Cash $27,280 $65,879 $122,236 Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 Total Current Assets $27,280 $65,879 $122,236 Long-term Assets Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0 Accumulated Depreciation $0 $0 $0 Total Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0 Total Assets $27,280 $65,879 $122,236 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $0 $0 $0 Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0 Other Current Liabilities (interest free) $0 $0 $0 Total Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0 Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0 Total Liabilities $0 $0 $0 Paid-in Capital $0 $0 $72 Retained Earnings $14,366 $62,776 $91,642 Earnings $12,914 $3,103 $30,522 Total Capital $27,280 $65,879 $122,236 Total Capital and Liabilities $27,280 $65,879 $122,236 Other Inputs Payment Days 0 0 0 3.0 Services [YOUR COMPANY NAME] will provide the following activities and services: Counseling in the areas of Mental Health, Drug & Alcohol addictions, Family and Marriage. The counseling center is [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] Licensed to provide for DUI Education, Therapy and Anger Management. A bilingual therapist will also be available for clients that do not speak English as a primary language. An artistic therapy program utilizing art forms for therapy such as dance, theater arts, music, poetry, artwork. A martial arts school that teaches Tae Kwando, Tang Soo Do and Hapkido and other self defense techniques. An adult daycare program. Financial counseling. Creative arts, dance and theater programs. Life and employment seeking skill programs. 4.0 Market Analysis Summary [YOUR CITY] is a Home Rule Municipality spanning Arapahoe, Adams, and Douglas counties in [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE]. [YOUR CITY] is the third most populous [YOUR CITY] in the [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] of [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE] and the 59th most populous [YOUR CITY] in the United [YOUR STATE/PROVINCE]s. [YOUR CITY] had an estimated population of 319,057 in 2008

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