This board resolution to terminate lease template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
BOARD RESOLUTION OF [YOUR COMPANY NAME] APPROVING TERMINATION OF LEASE DULY PASSED ON [DATE] TERMINATION OF LEASE WHEREAS, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] has no further need for certain space that it occupies as a tenant, be it: RESOLVED, to terminate as tenant a certain lease from [NAME] as landlord, said lease dated [DATE] for premises at [LOCATION]. The termination date shall be [DATE] with surrender of the premises by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] on or before said date.
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This board resolution to terminate lease template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
BOARD RESOLUTION OF [YOUR COMPANY NAME] APPROVING TERMINATION OF LEASE DULY PASSED ON [DATE] TERMINATION OF LEASE WHEREAS, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] has no further need for certain space that it occupies as a tenant, be it: RESOLVED, to terminate as tenant a certain lease from [NAME] as landlord, said lease dated [DATE] for premises at [LOCATION]. The termination date shall be [DATE] with surrender of the premises by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] on or before said date.
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