This why you proscrastinate and how to overcome it template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
WHY YOU PROCRASTINATE AND HOW TO OVERCOME IT You procrastinate because the thought of taking a certain action makes you feel bad. There are lots of actions that give us that "Ugh" feeling when we even think about doing them. The unpleasant action could be going to the gym, doing your taxes, making an unpleasant phone call, or scrubbing the toilet. So, procrastination isn't really an issue of laziness. It's an emotional issue. Your brain predicts that you're going to experience a negative emotion and does its best to help you avoid it. However, you don't have to allow your emotions to guide you. They're merely suggestions you can choose to follow or reject. It's not easy to take an action that feels uncomfortable, but it can be done. Even if you procrastinate, you'll eventually feel even worse about not taking the appropriate action. Why not save yourself some time and drama and just do it now? Sometimes it's okay to procrastinate, but there are other times that it would be best to take action immediately. So, what can you do to mitigate procrastination? Try these tips to overcome procrastination: Focus on the physical sensation. When you think about doing the thing you don't want to do, it creates a feeling in your body. Notice where you feel that negative sensation. How would you describe it? Focus on the area of your body where you feel the sensation and see what happens to that physical sensation. See how long that feeling lasts. Once you see how this feeling dissipates in a short time, it will be easier to handle it or even disregard it in the future. Find an easier way to do the task. Maybe there's a better or easier way to do what needs to be done. Some tasks are just so big they're intimidating to even consider.
This why you proscrastinate and how to overcome it template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
WHY YOU PROCRASTINATE AND HOW TO OVERCOME IT You procrastinate because the thought of taking a certain action makes you feel bad. There are lots of actions that give us that "Ugh" feeling when we even think about doing them. The unpleasant action could be going to the gym, doing your taxes, making an unpleasant phone call, or scrubbing the toilet. So, procrastination isn't really an issue of laziness. It's an emotional issue. Your brain predicts that you're going to experience a negative emotion and does its best to help you avoid it. However, you don't have to allow your emotions to guide you. They're merely suggestions you can choose to follow or reject. It's not easy to take an action that feels uncomfortable, but it can be done. Even if you procrastinate, you'll eventually feel even worse about not taking the appropriate action. Why not save yourself some time and drama and just do it now? Sometimes it's okay to procrastinate, but there are other times that it would be best to take action immediately. So, what can you do to mitigate procrastination? Try these tips to overcome procrastination: Focus on the physical sensation. When you think about doing the thing you don't want to do, it creates a feeling in your body. Notice where you feel that negative sensation. How would you describe it? Focus on the area of your body where you feel the sensation and see what happens to that physical sensation. See how long that feeling lasts. Once you see how this feeling dissipates in a short time, it will be easier to handle it or even disregard it in the future. Find an easier way to do the task. Maybe there's a better or easier way to do what needs to be done. Some tasks are just so big they're intimidating to even consider.
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