Mechanic Lien Template

Business-in-a-Box's Mechanic Lien Template
Document content

This mechanic lien template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our mechanic lien template:

MECHANIC'S LIEN State of [SPECIFY] County of [SPECIFY] Notice is hereby given that this mechanic's lien, this "lien", if filed on [DATE] (the Effective Date), by [COMPANY NAME/INDIVIDUAL] located at [ADDRESS] (the Claimant), claims a construction lien in the amount of [SPECIFY] to provide services, materials and equipment to improve certain buildings owned by the owner (the owner), located at [ADDRESS], County of [SPECIFY] and accompanied by the official description: [SPECIFY] (the Property). This privilege is claimed, separately and jointly and severally, with respect to the building and the improvements made thereto, as well as with respect to the said land. The Claimant and the Owner have entered into a contract on [DATE], pursuant to which the Claimant provided the following labour, services, materials and/or equipment to the property (the Work) [SPECIFY], for the total amount of [SPECIFY]. The first day of the Work on the Property by the Claimant was [DATE]. The last day of the Work on the Property by the Claimant was [SPECIFY], (the completion Date). On the Effective Date, the Claimant received payment from [SPECIFY]. The total balance of [ [SPECIFY], after deduction of all credits and compensation only, and interest at the rate of [SPECIFY] per year from the Completion date (the Balance Owing) is always due to the Claimant on the Effective date. The Owner has failed to pay the Balance Due despite demands and requests for payment. Accordingly, the Claimant declares that the contents of this Lien are true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to as of the Effective Date. Claimant Signature Claimant Full Name VERIFICATION State of [SPECIFY] County of [SPECIFY] I, [NAME] am the NOTARY of the above-mentioned Claimant and am authorized to do this verification. I have read the foregoing claims and am aware of the facts and, to the best of my knowledge, I certify that the foregoing claims are true. Signature Date NOTARY ACKNOLEDGEMENT State of [SPECIFY] County of [SPECIFY] The undersigned [NAME OF CLAIMANT], whom I personally know or have satisfactory evidence of being the person whose name is subscribed to the instrument, acknowledged receipt of the above-mentioned instrument on [DATE] [YEAR] before me on that day. Signature Notary Public

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Document content

This mechanic lien template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our mechanic lien template:

MECHANIC'S LIEN State of [SPECIFY] County of [SPECIFY] Notice is hereby given that this mechanic's lien, this "lien", if filed on [DATE] (the Effective Date), by [COMPANY NAME/INDIVIDUAL] located at [ADDRESS] (the Claimant), claims a construction lien in the amount of [SPECIFY] to provide services, materials and equipment to improve certain buildings owned by the owner (the owner), located at [ADDRESS], County of [SPECIFY] and accompanied by the official description: [SPECIFY] (the Property). This privilege is claimed, separately and jointly and severally, with respect to the building and the improvements made thereto, as well as with respect to the said land. The Claimant and the Owner have entered into a contract on [DATE], pursuant to which the Claimant provided the following labour, services, materials and/or equipment to the property (the Work) [SPECIFY], for the total amount of [SPECIFY]. The first day of the Work on the Property by the Claimant was [DATE]. The last day of the Work on the Property by the Claimant was [SPECIFY], (the completion Date). On the Effective Date, the Claimant received payment from [SPECIFY]. The total balance of [ [SPECIFY], after deduction of all credits and compensation only, and interest at the rate of [SPECIFY] per year from the Completion date (the Balance Owing) is always due to the Claimant on the Effective date. The Owner has failed to pay the Balance Due despite demands and requests for payment. Accordingly, the Claimant declares that the contents of this Lien are true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to as of the Effective Date. Claimant Signature Claimant Full Name VERIFICATION State of [SPECIFY] County of [SPECIFY] I, [NAME] am the NOTARY of the above-mentioned Claimant and am authorized to do this verification. I have read the foregoing claims and am aware of the facts and, to the best of my knowledge, I certify that the foregoing claims are true. Signature Date NOTARY ACKNOLEDGEMENT State of [SPECIFY] County of [SPECIFY] The undersigned [NAME OF CLAIMANT], whom I personally know or have satisfactory evidence of being the person whose name is subscribed to the instrument, acknowledged receipt of the above-mentioned instrument on [DATE] [YEAR] before me on that day. Signature Notary Public

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