8 Small Business Trends to Look Out for in 2023 - Business in a Box

This past year has gone by in the blink of an eye. Before we know it, 2022 will be here. And, you know what a new year means? A fresh start and a few new trends for businesses.

So, what kind of trends should you keep on your radar for the coming year? Let me lay it all out for you.

Small business trends for 2023

New year, new business trends, am I right? It seems like every year there is something that’s all the rage in business. Some trends stay, while others come and go. And in the case of 2022, many trends are likely to stay (ahem, remote work). But, experts anticipate a few new ones, too.

Although I’m no psychic and can’t predict exactly which trends will become popular in the upcoming year, I do have some hunches, thanks to my 30-plus years of entrepreneurial experience. So, let’s take a look at eight small business trends for 2022 I think will we’ll see in the year ahead.

1. E-commerce businesses will thrive

Many trends sprouted in the last year or so due to businesses needing to adapt to survive the pandemic. One trend I’ve seen that will continue to be strong in 2022 and beyond? E-commerce.

E-commerce businesses that sell products and services online are becoming huge. Why? Customers can easily and safely shop from home. And, business owners don’t have to worry about having a brick-and-mortar location. Not to mention, business owners can steer clear of some overhead costs; they can do all of their business online. It’s truly a win-win.

If you’re thinking about starting a business but are leery about opening a storefront, starting an e-commerce business may be the perfect new trend to follow.

2. Remote work will continue to be popular

It’s no secret that remote work took the world by storm in the last year and a half. Nearly half of employees worked from home in 2021 due to the pandemic. And if you experimented with remote work as I did at my company, you probably found that it has quite a few perks for both your business and employees (or as I like to call them, “coworkers”).

Chances are, remote work isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. But, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I see it as a blessing. Remote work has taught employers like you and me a lot, like how offering work-from-home options can:

  • Boost productivity
  • Attract and retain top talent (anywhere!)
  • Improve work-life balance

Because remote work was such a big hit the last two years, I see it sticking around next year (and maybe even for good).

3. Communication applications will only grow in importance

A big part of making your business work is prioritizing clear communication with your team. Otherwise, poor communication with your team could lead to poor collaboration and even workplace drama (eek!). To strengthen communication in this remote era, communication tools and applications have become a must-have trend. And if I had to guess, it will continue to be a big part of the year to come.

Communication tools and applications can help your team, remote or not. Applications and tools, like video conferencing software and messaging platforms, have been booming since Covid struck in 2020. And like remote work, they will probably be around for quite some time.

If you haven’t already done so already and want to keep up with the latest trends, try out some new communication applications at your business. See what works and doesn’t work, and what helps improve your team’s ability to communicate and work together.

4. Cashless payments will become standard for businesses

At one point in time, cash was king. But, move over cash, because there’s a new trend in town taking overpayments. That’s right—I’m talking about cashless payments.

Cashless payments can include a variety of payment methods:

  • Credit and debit cards
  • Mobile or digital wallets (think touch-free technology)
  • Payment apps

As technology advances, more cashless payment options will become available, which means your business may have no choice but to keep up to satisfy customers. In addition to accepting standard payments, consider also adding a cashless payment option or two to your list. That way, you can keep up with the times while also giving your loyal customers a few options when it comes time to pay.

5. More and more events will be virtual events held online

Continuing with the Covid theme, do you know what else I predict to be a hot small business trend for 2022? Virtual events. I’m talking about conferences, meetings, and trade shows. Why? Because Covid is still hanging around. Not to mention, hosting virtual events can help expand your reach and allow for more attendees.

So, don’t be surprised if your favorite event, like an accounting conference, decides to host things virtually in 2022. Or, at least somewhat virtually with in-person and online options. Heck, you may even decide to host a virtual event to help keep your business, customers, and employees safe.

Don’t let the trend of virtual events scare you off. Trust me, they can be fun, helpful, and educational, regardless of if you’re attending an event in person or watching it on your laptop from the comfort of your own home.

6. Personalized artificial intelligence will become more commonplace

Artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly gained traction in the business world to help streamline certain tasks, and it’s going to become even more sought-after in the years ahead.

Depending on the type of artificial intelligence, this technology can help you increase sales, get to know your customers better, and even prevent fraud—and who doesn’t want all of that? Here are just a few examples of AI in business:

  • Chatbots on websites and social media
  • Smart assistants (e.g., Siri)
  • Facial recognition
  • Personalized recommendations
  • Fraud-detection systems
  • Personalized ads and marketing

AI has advanced over the years, and it’s going to advance even more in 2022 and beyond. So, do yourself a favor and look into AI for your business. You never know how this trend can help your business expand and succeed.

7. Video marketing will continue to grow in popularity

As a business owner, you likely know that marketing techniques are ever-changing. One day a marketing strategy is in, and the next day it’s out. One marketing trend that’s taken over (and that will continue to next year) is video marketing.

So for my old-school marketing friends, what in the world does video marketing include? It can be anything from videos on your website to using social media platforms (e.g., TikTok) to promote your products or services.

Video marketing is packed with perks and opportunities for business owners. Don’t believe me? Approximately 84% of people say a brand’s video convinced them to buy a product or service. And, 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support.

So if you want to take your marketing up to the next level in 2022, consider incorporating videos into your marketing strategy. Test out using different platforms, like Facebook and TikTok, to market your company using videos (and don’t be afraid to have fun with it!).

8. Gig workers will make up a large part of the workforce

Freelancers, or gig workers, make up a huge chunk of workers. Last year, there were 59 million people doing freelance work in the United States. And, that number is only going to continue to grow in 2022, especially with our new normal from Covid.

Now you might be wondering, What in the world do gig workers have to do with my business? Depending on your needs, it could be a match made in heaven. You can hire a freelance worker to do a one-time job and get expertise in a certain area. Not to mention, you can cut down on costs associated with hiring a full-time employee.

Just like children are our future, so are gig workers. If you’re looking for high-quality work for a lower administrative cost, consider looking into freelance options for your business this coming year. And who knows, maybe you’ll find a worker you like so much that you’ll want to hire them for good (can you say win-win?).


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