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11 Advanced Customer Service Technologies You Should Be Using

11 Advanced Customer Service Technologies You Should Be Using - Business in a Box

Customers today are omnichannel — meaning, they use multiple platforms and channels to visit your website, contact customer service, learn about and purchase your products, engage with your brand, and more.

Although this opens the door to many good things for your company (e.g. more customers, larger target audience, increased interactions between customers/prospects and your brand,), it also means your customers expect and need more ways to interact and connect with your service and support teams. Not to mention, those channels for interaction and connection need to be reliable, engaging, speedy, and responsive.

With all of these factors in mind, offering a strong and consistent omnichannel customer service experience may seem like a difficult task — and to be honest, it can be.

However, there are a number of advanced customer service (CS) technologies that you can implement to streamline and simplify the process, especially as your company grows and the tech world continues to change.

These tools ensure reps have the resources they need to successfully support your customers, no matter where those customers are reaching out from or what they need help with. Advanced CS tools also help your service team maximize their value for customers and their time.

In this article, we’ll cover the reasons this technology is critical to your service team’s success and offer 11 different technologies you might want to introduce to your team.

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