Business-in-a-Box's Worksheet_Job Requirements Template

Worksheet_Job Requirements Template

Document description

This worksheet_job requirements template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our worksheet_job requirements template:

JOB REQUIREMENTS WORKSHEET Use the following checklists to analyze the demands of particular jobs in relation to the qualifications of job applicants. In order to measure the extent to which an activity is required in a job, place an A,B,C or N/A in each designated blank as follows: A - Minor - Activity or condition exists less than 20% of work time. B - Moderate - Activity or condition exists between 20-60% of work time. C - Major - Activity or condition exists 60% or more of work time. N/A - Not applicable PHYSICAL DEMAND % of Work Code Strength Standing Walking Sitting Lifting Carrying Pushing Reach

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