Business-in-a-Box's Telework Policy Template

Telework Policy Template

Document description

This telework policy template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our telework policy template:

Telework Policy 1. GENERAL [COMPANY NAME] is committed to providing policies and provisions designed to help employees balance their work, personal, and family responsibilities. In keeping with our goal of being a workplace of choice, this policy will assist in meeting both business and sustainable development objectives while satisfying the growing needs of employees to improve their overall quality of life. Changes are occurring in the labor market with a shift towards more knowledge workers, as well as changes to traditional family structures, employees' expectations of work, and the definition of career aspirations and job satisfaction. Flexibility in the workplace to accommodate work, personal and family needs can result in benefits to organizations such as: � a competitive edge for attracting and retaining highly skilled individuals; � reduced levels of employee stress and conflict; � higher levels of productivity and reduced absenteeism; � higher levels of employee satisfaction and motivation; � a more satisfying work environment; � ability to accommodate employment related needs for employment equity designated group members.

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