Business-in-a-Box's Customer Service Representative Job Description Template

Customer Service Representative Job Description Template

Document description

This customer service representative job description template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our customer service representative job description template:

Page 1 JOB DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Brief description The position of customer service representative consists of interacting with customers to provide information in response to inquiries about products or services and to handle and resolve complaints. Tasks • Check to ensure that appropriate changes were made to resolve customers' problems; • Compare disputed merchandise with original requisitions and information from invoices, and prepare invoices for returned goods; • Confer with customers by telephone or in person to provide information about products and services, to take or enter orders, cancel accounts, or to obtain details of complaints; • Contact customers to respond to inquiries or to notify them of claim investigation results and any planned adjustments; • Determine charges for services requested, collect deposits or payments, or arrange for billing; • Keep records of customer interactions and tra

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