Business-in-a-Box's Checklist Choosing a Domain Name Template

Checklist Choosing a Domain Name Template

Document description

This checklist choosing a domain name template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents.

Sample of our checklist choosing a domain name template:

CHECKLIST CHOOSING A DOMAIN NAME FOR YOUR BUSINESS When you are starting a business or expanding to new markets, it is essential to do so with the Internet in mind, even if the business is not web-based. The Web can serve as a very effective advertising medium for your products/services and has the potential to reach more consumers than any other medium. If your business is entirely web-based, its presence, and therefore its name, on the Internet are of the highest importance. These guidelines can help you to choose a business name with an Internet presence in mind. boxshadowdwn On the web you have the potentia

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